Sopore| Kashmir


S.No Designation  Name
1 Supintendent Mr. Showkat Anwar
2 Electrician Instructor Mr. Mubashir Ahmad 
3 Mechanic  Electronics Instructor Mr. Wahid ul Majeed
4 Stenography and Secretarial Assistant Instructor

Mr. Ghulam Mohammad Mir

Mr. Riyaz Ahmad Lone

5 Sewing Technology Instructor Mrs. Razia Mustafa
6 Welder Instructor (Post Vacant)
7 Mechanic (Refrigeration and Air-Conditioner) Instructor Mr. Waseem Raja
8 Computer Operator & Programming Assistant Instructor Mrs. Syma Nazir
9 Data Entry Instructor Mrs. Masroora Qadir
10 Software Testing Instructor Mr. Ovais Mohiuddin
11 Computer Hardware and Network Maintenance instructor Mr. Raja Aamir Rashid
12 Desktop Publishing Instructor Ms. Shabnam Bashir
13 Sanitary Harware Instructor Mr. Altaf Hussain
14 Drawing Instructor Mr. Arshid Bashir
15 Workshop Calculations Instructor Mr. Mohd Shaban
 16. Employability Skills Instructor

(Post Vacant)


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